Just returned from Christ Covenant Church in Charlotte, NC where Judy and I conducted a parenting conference. Christ Covenant is a large PCA congregration. The church campus is on about ten acres. The city even named the street “Christ Covenant Street.” Churchwise, Charotte is a different world. The picture at the left says it all. The “worship center” seats 2500, and the size of this church didn’t seem to be unusual. We saw structures like this everywhere. No wonder Charlotte is called “the city of churches.”
We made friends, and were encouraged by many ardent, sincere, zealous believers. God has his people everywhere.
Charlotte feels wealthy, middle class, and conservative. Many of the old churches are merely today’s monuments to past decades when spiritual vitality was the norm. Others are pregnant with gospel life. Christ Covenant Church seemed to be in the latter category. Both Judy and I felt honored and deeply priveleged to minister to these special people.