“October Baby” (Rated PG-13), directed by brothers Andrew & Jon Erwin, tells the story of Hannah (Rachel Hendrix), who during college finds out that she was not only adopted, but is also an abortion survivor. Hannah’s life has been wracked with chronic health problems not the least of which is asthma, epilepsy and depression. After an asthma attack lands her in the hospital Hannah’s parents (John Schneider and Jennifer Price) reveal the details her adoption and subsequent failed abortion.
Her head spinning with the news a heated argument with her parents ensues causing Hannah to run to her best friend Jason (Jason Burkey) for comfort. Hannah reveals she was born in Mobile, AL and Jason invites her to join him on a Spring Break road trip to New Orleans promising her they can stop in Mobile on the way and search for her birth mother.
The emotional moments of Hannah’s conversation with the nurse (Jasmine Guy) who assisted in the abortion and her encounters with her birth mother (Shari Rigby) will leave an appropriately distasteful taste in your mouth for the lies told and believed regarding abortion, and your eyes flowing with tears.
I wholeheartedly recommend this movie. Parents, I suggest you use discretion as to how capable your children are of handling this emotional subject matter. The sanctity of human life is clearly treasured by the cast and crew of “October Baby”, and the producers have put their money where their mouth is and have assigned 10% of the profits to go to the Every Life Is Beautiful fund (www.octoberbabymovie.net).
I believe as life affirming Christians this is a cause and an organization we should joyfully support with our finances. “October Baby” is playing at the River Park Square AMC Theater. Also, I recommend you stay through the credits. The clip of Shari Rigby discussing her own abortion experience will leave you not only crying, but praising the Lord for his amazing grace and forgiveness found only through the cross…Stephanie Spurgetis