Many of us like to listen to edifying intellectual content when working out, driving, etc. Here are a couple of reccomends.

First is Al Mohler’s daily radio broadcast, The Briefing. For thirteen to fifteen minutes Dr. Mohler sums up the news each morning from a Christian perspective. In addition, about weekly Mohler interviews an author on an important subject. Titled Thinking In Public Mohler’s interviews are both helpful, instructive, and keep one in contact with the broader intellectual currents of modern culture. Both arer free downloads at itunes, or can be accessed at

I am also enjoying two other podcasts. NPR supplies both. I am generally going in a different direction from National Public Radio, but I find these two podcasts helpful. The first is Planet Money  a weekly 20 minute program on economics. The other is This American Life. Like the Mohler podcast they are free through iTunes.