by Bill Farley | Dec 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
I WAS BORN IN 1948, the first child with eight more to follow. My first Christmas memory was 1955. It was a maturing moment in my youthful development, and one that I will never forget. My father was a Civil Engineer working for the Army Corp of Engineers on Chief...
by Bill Farley | Dec 9, 2019 | biography, church history
IN 1739 A THIN, FIVE FOOT TWO, thirty-six year old Anglican priest mounted a small eminence in a brickyard just outside the city of Bristol, England. At a time when less than 1% of English men had a college degree, he was an Oxford graduate, and he had been trained to...
by Bill Farley | Nov 14, 2019 | biography, church history, Puritanism, Puritans
IN THE 1660’S CHARLES II, KING OF ENGLAND, asked John Owen (1616-83) why he went to hear the preaching of an uneducated tinker (an old name for a blacksmith)? The King was amazed that a man of Owen’s prominence would stoop to associate with a tinker. Owen...
by Bill Farley | Mar 12, 2019 | book review, Christian Sanctification, Uncategorized
I JUST FINISHED JACK DEERE’S NEW BOOK, Even In Our Darkness. It is his personal memoir. It is gripping. It is raw, and I couldn’t put it down. It is about Christian maturity. It is a story about where the Holy Spirit is taking every believer, and it...
by Bill Farley | May 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
EVERY GENERATION PRODUCES a forgotten character that is foundational to the experience of later generations. Such was Francis Asbury (1744-1816). The great Methodist biographer, Abel Stephens, wrote, “No one man has done more for Christianity in the western...