Four Questions For Those Engaged In Discipleship

Four Questions For Those Engaged In Discipleship

I HAVE BEEN A CHRISTIAN FOR FIFTY YEARS, and during that time I have discipled scores of men. It’s been a labor of love. Some have gone on to be leaders in the church. Others have become better fathers and husbands. In a few cases, the results have not been positive....

Family and Call of God, Part 2

A few days ago I posted on “Family and the Call of God.” I emphasized that we must leave family in order to really love God. I used Abraham as an example.But it is also true that God commands us to love our families. The fifth commandment reads,...

Family and the call of God!

The first recorded conversion appears in Genesis 12:1. It was the call of Abram. This man lived in what is now modern Baghdad. In 2000 BC these people worshiped the moon. Abram worshiped the moon with them. The Cost of DiscipleshipIt is important to note that his call...