The Privilege of Walking with God

Walking God’s Highway”Walking with God” is one of those curious expressions which occurs repetitively in scripture. This expression describes a special relationship with God, one that God delights to honor. The first time it appears is in Genesis...

Christian Is as Christian Does!

ONCE I ASKED A Christian acquaintance about the spiritual condition of a professing Christian that we both knew. She responded scornfully, “Christian is as Christian does.” In other words, “I can’t measure him by his profession. The quality and...

God’s Word Will Test You!

Joseph’s DreamPsalm 105:19 says “The word of the Lord tested [Joseph].” What does the Psalmist mean? In what way did the Word of God test Joseph?At age 18 Joseph had two dreams. He saw his brothers and his parents bowing down to him. Then trouble...

Real Faith or a Countefeit?

Real faith changes everything. It works “through love” (Gal. 5:6). In other words, real faith acts. That is because saving faith is more than mental assent to truth. It is the “assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”...