Coventry and False Guilt Towards People

Coventry and False Guilt Towards People

ONE NIGHT DURING WWII’s BATTLE OF BRITAIN, Winston Churchill received top secret info that the Germans were going to bomb the city of Coventry England. He knew this because British intelligence had broken the German wireless code. This put Churchill in a...
Does Your Sin Affect Others?

Does Your Sin Affect Others?

We live in a culture that places a high priority on the individual. Therefore, we tend to think that my actions are hermetically sealed—”they don’t affect anyone but me.” This is not a biblical view. Sin is almost always social. Its effects rarely stay confined...

We Reap What We Sow

God’s faithfulness does not do away with his discipline. God disciplines the sons that he loves. When we sin, God’s discipline comes to us in the form of reaping what we have sown. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also...