The Injustice of Social Justice

The Injustice of Social Justice

WESTERN CULTURE IS SHAKING. It is a time of significant social instability. The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police unleashed a torrent of rage. Large segments of our society have demonstrated, even rioted, for something enigmatically called...

Why Should We Rejoice in the Final Judgment?

For a generation that values “tolerance” above all other virtues, no fact is more distressing than the Final Judgment. Through his Son Jesus Christ, God the Father will show himself intolerant of every thought, word, and deed that does not live up to the...

Preach the Final Judgment

I was a law student at Gonzaga University for one year. My grade for the entire year’s work was based on one exam in each class at the end of the year. Papers, quizzes, and homework contributed nothing to my final grade. The entire years work rested on the output of...