The Living & Active Word At Work

The Living & Active Word At Work

JUDY AND I ARE IN THE PROCESS OF A MAJOR MOVE. As many of you know this can exacerbate stress. We pack differently. I married my opposite. All of this led to a huge fight Friday night. It was mostly my fault. Guilt and condemnation. I had a hard time sleeping. I awoke...
The Living & Active Word At Work

What Makes God’s Grace So Amazing?

IMAGINE COMING ACROSS A CENTURIES-OLD, abandoned set of ruins in the jungle without asking why someone built them. We wouldn’t do this because humans do everything with purpose, and so does God. In fact, we ask about purposes because God is purposeful, and he made us...
Are You Grateful For Your Children?

Are You Grateful For Your Children?

THE PATRIARCHS ARE BIBLICAL HEROES, yet their attempts at parenting met with scattered results. Lets walk through Genesis and reflect on their experience. Adam had three sons. Abel was chosen, but Cain, filled with jealousy, committed fratricide. He killed his...

Bitter Sin Makes for Sweet Grace!

As Paul neared the end of his life he wrote these remarkable words to his young disciple, Timothy. “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for...

The Basis for Grace

In his book, The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything, Fred Sanders suggests that the Trinity is the basis for grace. Grace is unmerited favor. In the words of A.W. Pink, grace is “favor shown where there is positive demerit in the one...