History Is His Story!

History Is His Story!

EVERYONE LOVES AN UNDERDOG, one who triumphs in the face of overwhelming odds. That is one reason the story of David and Goliath is so popular. It is also the reason the Battle of Thermopylae is often retold. In 480 BC Xerxes I, king of Persia and husband of...

The Real Saint Patrick

THE LEGEND OF SAINT PATRICK is just that––a legend. The name St. Patrick conjures up visions of elves, frisky leprechauns, banshees, three leaved clovers, and Guinness Beer. We start humming Celtic music, we remember the “Fighting Irish” of Notre Dame, and...

History Is in God’s Hands!

Cardinal Reginald PoleThe future of nations and cultures often turn on unnoticed details quickly forgotten, but that in retrospect, prove decisive. Such was the papal election of 1550.  It was one of the great turning points of church history, and therefore, of world...

The Reformation in Scotland

See my previous post on London and Oxford.The next day Judy and I drove to Edinburgh, Scotland, to catch up on our old friends Paul and Shiona Rees. We spent Thursday night with them in Edinburgh. Paul gave us a tour of his church, Charlotte Chapel. It is a...

The Deep Secrets of Satan

Revelation opens with a message to seven churches. The fourth church, the one in the center, is Thyatira. Thyatira’s position in the seven indicates that God’s message to her is heart and soul of his message to all the churches.The church at Thyatira is in...