The Church! Masculine or Feminine?

The Church! Masculine or Feminine?

THE BIBLE REGULARLY REPRESENTS THE CHURCH as “The Bride of Christ.” This naturally provokes an adverse reaction from SOME men. I remember the reaction of one visitor to our church. He had spent over eight years in the military and did not want to think of...
Are Men And Women Really Different?

Are Men And Women Really Different?

(This is an excerpt from a manuscript that I am currently working on) SINCE THE LATE SIXTIES, an avalanche of lies about the nature of masculinity and femininity have inundated Western culture—stupendous lies, lies that no other culture in history would have...
Form Follows Function & Sex

Form Follows Function & Sex

LOUIS SULLIVAN (1856-1924), THE FATHER OF MODERN ARCHITECTURE, famously articulated this crucial design principle “form follows function.” In other words, the design of a building or object should enable or expedite its intended function or purpose.  Sullivan...
Gender Contamination?

Gender Contamination?

EVERYONE KNOWS THE STORY of the 1912 sinking of the R. M. S. Titanic. The great ship hit and iceberg and began to break up. However, there weren’t enough lifeboats to save the 1,317 passengers, so a triage question arose. Who should be saved?  Many wealthy and...