Sheep In the Midst of Wolves

IN THE TENTH CHAPTER OF MATTHEW Jesus warned his disciples, “Behold I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves.” Recent events in the media have made us feel the truth of these words. Although God...

The Fire that flavors us with Salt!

WE EXPERIENCE SUFFERING in diverse ways. It can come as financial want, sickness, death, relational stress, or persecution. Suffering is a great common denominator the unites human beings.Jesus suffered more than any person that has lived. On his way to Jerusalem to...

How do Christians in China Pray For Us!

Chinese Christians Interceding for AmericaMany American Christians are discouraged that the Democratic party won the elections. Looking down the road, some fear restrictions on our religious liberties and/or increased persecution. The birth control mandate, many...

Persecution Will Come!

Paul reminds us that all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2Tim 3:12). Jesus tells us that persecution is a sign of God’s blessing. He even exhorts us to rejoice when persecution arrives at our doorstep (Matt. 5:10-12). However,...

A Story of Faith and Love

Just finished Richard Wurmbrand’s 1969 classic, Tortured for Christ. It is a tale of amazing faith and love. Born in 1909 to Jewish parents, Wurmbrand grew up in Rumania. He was an atheist in his teens. After conversion in his young adult years he became a...