Winnowing Power of The Gospel

Winnowing Power of The Gospel

EVERYONE IN THE FIRST CENTURY WORLD knew the purpose of a winnowing fork. Farmers used it to separate the wheat from its chaff. They tossed the grain into the air. The wind blew the lighter chaff to the side, and the heavier wheat fell to the threshing floor.  In the...

Edwards On The Christian Life

JUST FINISHED DANE ORTLUND’S new book, Edwards on The Christian Life: Alive to the Beauty of God. I am a student of Jonathan Edwards. He has affected me more than any other christian thinker. I have read Ian Murray’s bio once and George Marsden’s...

Don’t Assume the Gospel!

In Matt 16:5-11 Jesus warmed his disciple to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” The “leaven” that concerned him was the teaching of the Pharisees and Saducees. What was their teaching? It was religious pride, pride in their virtues. I...