COLOSSIANS IS ALL ABOUT the pre-eminence of Christ. Here are some key verses.  
Have you ever wondered what life is all about? Col. 1:18 tells us “that in everything [Christ] might be pre-eminent.” 
If its all about Christ then obviously ministry can be summed up with 1:26 “Him we proclaim.” 
And, if its all about Christ then our future is 1:27 “Christ in you the hope of glory.” 
This also means that Christ must be life’s greatest Treasure. So 2:3 reads “Christ in whom are hidden all the Treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” 
If you don’t understand the Old Testament, that’s OK because Christ is its sum and substance. 2:17 “The substance [of the OT] belongs to Christ.”  
Do you want to grow in godliness? Sanctification occurs by 2:19 “Holding fast to the Head.” Then Paul gives us a good example of what “holding fast” looks like It means 3:1-2 “Seeking” Christ. It means “Setting your mind on the things that are above, where Christ is.”     

Blessed are those who do this. Blessed is the Christ-centered Christian obsessed with the glory of Christ.