How God Views “Pride Month”

How God Views “Pride Month”

JUNE IS NOW PRIDE MONTH, celebrating the alphabet mafia’s hegemony over Western Culture. Ironically, they boast about the very sin most apt to be the cause their eternal misery—pride. Pride is their sin. They have named June appropriately, but they think pride...

Rallying to the Point of Confict

“IT IS THE TRUTH which is assailed in any age which tests our fidelity. It is to confess we are called,not merely to profess. If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which...

A Time For Prayer and Repentance

THIS WEEK MARKS a turning point in our national history. The Supreme Court will hear arguments to answer the question “Does the constitution guarantee Americans in all fifty states the right to same sex marriage?” It is crucial that we turn to God in prayer and...

Has Sports Illustrated Lost It?

Mrs Fallon FoxTHE DEPTH OF THE CONFUSION in our culture is truly shocking. Sports Illustrated just ran an article  on a “transgendered” professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) athlete. Fallon Fox was once a male. After sex change surgery in Thailand, she is...

Real Hate Crimes And How to Stop Them

In the last twenty years “hate crimes,” have become the great social evil. It has become a matter of “political correctness.” Anyone who objects to the normalization of homosexual behavior, for example, is guilty of a hate crime. Anyone who...