Applying Biblical Men & Women’s Roles

OUR LAST BLOG post discussed Mr. Mom. Is it OK for another-wise healthy, capable husband to stay home and nurture his children while his wife brings  home the bacon? We suggested the general principle that God created men and women to fulfill different roles in...

God’s Design for Men and Women

NOTHING IS MORE CONTROVERSIAL in our present climate than biblical men and women’s roles. However, the Bible says much about God’s intention for work responsibilities in marriage. Here is a short summary. God created Adam first. He created him with a task...

The End of Men?

Hanna Rosin wrote a provocative article for The Atlantic magazine last year titled, “The End of Men.” In it she suggested that male dominance in culture is over. According to Rosin, women have ascended to their rightful place. They now hold more than 50%...

Single Men!

Men Afraid of MarriageGen 2:15 reads, “It is not good that man should be alone.” I don’t think God was exaggerating. In his seminal book Men and Marriage, George Gilder sums up the sociological findings on the state of single men. “Single men earn about the same thing...

A Corrupt Moral Foundation

When termites eat at the foundation of a house it is not readily apparent. The damage is often not visible. The problem becomes visible when something shakes the building the foundation gives way, and the structure collapses. In the same way, sexual morality is...