Watch Nefarious—A Really Good Movie!

Watch Nefarious—A Really Good Movie!

JUDY AND I JUST WATCHED THE MOVIE, Nefarious on Amazon Prime. The cost was $4.99, and it was money well spent. I don’t normally like Christian movies. They are usually cheesy, sophomoric, and poorly done. But this was different. The script, acting, and...
Wholesome Family Television

Wholesome Family Television

JUDY AND I HAVE BEEN WATCHING back episodes of a weekly drama, Blue Bloods, on Netflix. With almost ten seasons available it has been enduringly popular, and new shows are being added each week. It is the story of a New York City law enforcement family. Frank Reagan...

A Secular Movie That Packs A Spiritual Wallop!

MOVIE REVIEWS FOR CHRISTIANS raise a host of problems. The problem is always the different criteria by which the suitability of a film is critiqued. Is a movie with an R rating immoral? The Passion of the Christ was rated R. Does bad language make a movie improper?...

Best Movies of 2012

Many Believers complain about a dearth of good movies. Well, Christianity Today just published their take on the most redeeming films of 2012. If you are looking for thought provoking films, compatible with a Christian worldview, you will find this list intriguing....